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HURSTVILLE Aquatic & Leisure Centre
FROM 8.30 am to 11.30 am
For more info visit website: - Active Table Tennis (sstt.org.au)
We are pleased to advise that Penrith Club are providing additional table tennis on Thursday mornings from 10am. The Club welcomes all players and in particular seniors.
Please advise your family and friends of this opportunity.
Article from the Illawarra Sports Stadium website. (Link to Article - http://illawarrasportsstadium.com.au/f/new-recreational-program-for-seniors)
Recreational Table Tennis for Seniors

Only a third of seniors over 55 years of age are meeting national guidelines for minimal levels of regular physical activity. While many of them (approximately 44%) are prevented from participating due to injury and disability, others report lack of opportunities, facilities and clubs in their area (Source: Australian Institute of Health and Wellbeing, 2013). Compared to the rest of the population, seniors face a higher risk of social isolation, physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle linked to chronic health disorders.
Illawarra Sports Stadium has partnered with the Illawarra District Table Tennis Association and the Kiama Table Tennis Club to launch a new community sports program aimed at “keenagers” (older adults aged 50 years and over).
TABLE TENNIS FOR THE AGES (find out more here - including registration) or see below * for more details.
Table tennis is a global sport. Japan, US and UK in particular (via the NHS) promote the health benefits of table tennis to their older population. It is a social game that can be played at any age and modifiable to fit most fitness levels.
There is mounting scientific evidence on the holistic benefits of table tennis, such as better cardiovascular health and cognitive performance, as well as gains in emotional and social outcomes in older adults (Source: Harvard Medical School, 2016; Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, 2018).
Scientific evidence and medical experts around the world acknowledge that recreational table tennis increases concentration and alertness, stimulates brain function, helps with the development of tactical thinking skills, hand/eye coordination, provides aerobic exercise and social and recreational interaction. The sport is therefore important in combating neuro-cognitive decline and promoting mental well-being, particularly in the elderly, and often prescribed as a therapeutic option for patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (Source: Dr. Amen, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology).
TABLE TENNIS FOR THE AGES is for anyone aged 50 years and over, regardless of whether you have played the sport before. The program is a recreational and social environment. So give it a try!
Illawarra Sports Stadium has partnered with the Illawarra District Table Tennis Association and the Kiama Table Tennis Club to launch a new community sports program aimed at “keenagers” (older adults aged 50 years and over). This is an opportunity for keenagers in our community to become more active and enjoy the recreation/sport of table tennis while improving their health and well-being.
Every Wednesday and Thursday from 9 am to 12 noon when the Stadium is not being used for sporting competitions and major events. There will be more than 30 weeks of the year when this program can operate from February to mid-December.
Daily rate of $3 per person which covers discounted court hiring fees, use of utilities (lighting and air conditioning), facilities maintenance, and includes morning coffee and biscuits. All equipment is provided.
Program Philosophy
Research in England and Europe has demonstrated that Table Tennis is one of the best recreational activities to improve fitness and well-being in adults over 50 years of age. It has also been shown to be the best recreational activity to delay the onset of dementia in older persons.
Equipment available:
More than 10 tables can operate at any one time based on demand.
South Tweed Heads Table Tennis Club
South Tweed Heads table tennis club a social game-changer for players aged 60 to 100ABC News Article By Cathy Border

Veteran table tennis players Teddy Marchwicki and Cec Shaw touch paddles after playing a game.(ABC Gold Coast: Cathy Border)
There aren't many sports clubs where being 80 makes you one of the youngsters.
Then again, there aren't too many sports clubs like the South Tweed Sports Table Tennis Club in far northern New South Wales.
100-year-old table tennis player Teddy Marchwicki limbers up for a game.(ABC Gold Coast: Cathy Border)
The club's oldest member, 100-year-old Teddy Marchwicki, loves giving the 80-year-old whippersnappers a run for their money.
Apart from keeping fit, Teddy said there were other fringe benefits of belonging to the club.
"I like dancing too. I'm looking for another girl," he said, as he broke into a swaying shuffle to demonstrate his dancing skills.
The club formed in 2006 and now has 60 members aged from 60 to 100.
When the ABC visited, it was a hive of activity and laughter, with the four tables continually in use.
Treasurer Elspeth Sherwood said the secret to the club's success was that everyone looked out for each other.
Game on: Ted vs Cec
Veteran table tennis players Teddy Marchwicki and Cec Shaw battle for glory.(ABC Gold Coast: Cathy Border)
There was no denying that the game was on when Teddy grabbed his paddle and, with a glint in his eye, limbered up to do battle with his opponent, 99-year-old club secretary Cec Shaw.
"We played on the dining-room table at home just for fun."
Those days of childhood fun led Cec to an impressive career as a champion table tennis player.
"My records are all behind me now," he said.
"I represented Queensland in the interstate series from 1950 to 1956 and, in 1955, I won the open doubles national title with my partner."
Although he plays for fun these days, Cec had a return to sporting glory in 2007 when he and his partner won the national over-75 veterans' doubles title.
And as for the game between Teddy and Cec? No-one was able to keep track of the score amid all the banter and laughter.
Table tennis tango
Love match: Gloria Carlile and Jim Terry met at the South Tweed Sports Club.(ABC Gold Coast: Cathy Border)
Over the years — and over the lobs and drop shots — friendship has turned into romance for some of the club's members.
"It was suggested I give him a ring so I rang him up and said, 'Would you like to come around for tea', so he said yes," Gloria said.
"He was a bit unhappy with the loss of his wife. One thing led to another, and I'd lost my previous husband about eight years ago."
The couple plays table tennis up to four times a week at the club and often has a few more games at home.
As for Teddy's quest to find a partner, Noelene plays a straight bat.