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Office of Sport NSW – Community Sport Recovery Package
Stream 2 – Grassroots Sport Fund - Allocation is a Maximum of $1,000
TABLE TENNIS NEW SOUTH WALES INCORPORATED - has been identified as eligible to receive funds under the Community Sport Recovery Program and is responsible for the administration of the distribution of funding under “Stream 2 – Grassroots Sport Fund” to eligible Clubs and Associations affiliated with Table Tennis NSW as at 11 June 2020. Please see attachment for additional information.
Before any funding is released, each Club or Association must first be assessed and approved by the Office of Sport NSW.
To be eligible, Clubs and Associations MUST have a Business Name (Legal identify), i.e.: Incorporation, ABN / ACN or Dept. Fair Trading Co-operative.
To apply online by 5 pm, Friday 10 Jul 2020
Online Application Form link https://tinyurl.com/y8xmkbnc
Once details have been assessed and approved by the Office of Sport a notification will be sent requesting a tax invoice to be returned no later than Friday 24th July 2020.
Table Tennis NSW is endeavouring to get 72 Clubs and Associations confirmed as eligible, so your prompt response is appreciated.
The next stage will be sent out no later than Wednesday 15 July 2020. We will also be updating venue details for the website.
Additional Information
All clubs and association are encouraged to read the Community Sport Recovery Package Guidelines and the Grassroots Sport Fund Additional Information document prepared by the Office of Sport to ensure that they are eligible and have all of the required information ready to submit.
All communications should be sent to covid19@ttnsw.org.au
Leonie Whiteford
Table Tennis New South Wales Incorporated