2024 NSW Secondary Schoolboys Challenge Cup

T A B L E   T E N N I S   C H A M P I O N S H I P S

Entries Close Monday 20 May 2024 at 5 pm

Date of competition: Monday 27 May 2024   

Time: 8.30am – 3.00pm

Divisions: Junior (Yrs 7 & 8), Intermediate (Yrs 9 & 10) and Senior (Yrs 11 & 12)

Competition format: 2 players per team (4 singles and 1 doubles match)

Venue: Sydney Indoor Sports Hall, Grand Parade (off Australia Avenue), Olympic Park

Entry fee: $30.00 incl. GST per team



Register Online Now or copy the link to enter 2024 NSW Secondary School Boys Challenge Cup


Entry forms and fees payable to:

Table Tennis NSW

P.O Box 6952

Silverwater NSW 2128

Enquiries: Table Tennis NSW Office, Ph: (02) 8736 1266    Email: mail@ttnsw.org.au