TTA Coaches - Start of Year Reminders

Published Tue 04 Mar 2025

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Table Tennis Australia

Dear TTA Coaches,

Hope you're all doing well and gearing up for another great year of coaching! As we settle into 2025, I just wanted to send a few quick reminders to help keep everything up to date.

Membership Renewal: If you're an active coach, make sure your 2025 membership is current to maintain your Professional Indemnity insurance and access benefits like the Spin Academy, Sporting Schools, Spinneroos, and other coaching opportunities. You can renew via your Club/State portal.

Sporting Schools: TTA is looking for coaches for Sporting Schools programs. If you're available, please self-register on the new Sporting Schools Officials HQ Platform. We have a step-by-step guide to help with registration if needed.

Coach Re-Accreditation: If your accreditation has expired and you'd like to get back on board, sign up as a 2025 member first, then visit the TTA Coach Re-Accreditation page to renew.

National Coach Finder: Want to be listed on the National Coach Finder? After renewing your membership, log in to the TTA website, go to your account, click “Accreditations” → “Details” → “Update Accreditation Profile,” tick the box to make your profile publicly available, and update your details.

Education Oportunity*: The modern approach to coaching is all about putting people at the core, focussing on the participants and their individual needs, aspirations and motivations to create environments that are positive, engaging and enjoyable. During 6 webinars hosted by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), a range of guests will share their experiences and knowledge of what the modern approach to coaching means to them and how they apply the approach in a variety of contexts.

The webinars are for anyone out in the coaching environment, whether that be those coaching at the community level, involved in supporting coaches and participants at a local club, or simply anyone wanting to learn more about coaching.

  • Week 1 Topic: What is the modern approach to coaching?
  • Week 2 Topic: Developing thinking participants
  • Week 3 Topic: Applying the modern coaching approach
  • Week 4 Topic: Coaching considerations for neurodiverse participants
  • Week 5 Topic: Coaching mentors in community sport
  • Week 6 Topic: Q&A about the modern approach
    • Guests: Dr Alex Lascu (Queensland Academy of Sport) & Jim Mckay (International Rugby Academy of Australia & Noosa District Rugby Union Club)
    • Date: 17th June
    • Time: 5:30-6:30 pm
    • Link to register: Week 6 Topic: Q&A about the modern approach

* Attending all six webinars will earn you coach education points towards TTA reaccreditation.


